There's got to be more in here!?!? I've only opened 100+ presents so far!
Go Cougs!!!
There's got to be more in here!?!? I've only opened 100+ presents so far!
Last year our eyes were bigger than our house. We have vaulted ceilings but didn't think about the width, so by the time we got our 12' high, 8 ' wide tree home last year we realized we made a mistake. After multiple trips to Fred Meyer, two tree stands, and 4' feet cut off the tree fit.
This year we took it easy and were able to cut down about an 8' high and 4' wide tree that fits perfect. About a half mile down the road from us is a nice tree farm that has a lot of acreage to wade through, find your perfect tree, and cut it down. The only thing was it was raining like crazy when we first got out there, Payton pooped her pants (and we didn't bring any diapers because we thought it would be a quick trip) and it was really muddy and cold. But we shook off the Ba Humbug thoughts and made it through. When we got the tree to the house we put it up in the garage to dry and waited till Payton went to bed to put it up. The next morning we turned on the lights and let her walk into the room to see the lighted wonder. Her expression was worth a thousand words and she backed it up with a giant "WOW" while pointing at the tree. Lisa also has also put up a bunch of X-mass "items" around the house that still gives Payton enjoyment to walk around and want to touch everything.
Well, what can I say. After my beloved Chicago Bears went to the Super Bowl last year they're experiencing a horrible season. At the time I'm writing this the Bears are out of the Playoff race with no hope at making a wild card, but a few weeks ago my buddy Derek and Tami treated Lisa and I to a rare treat, a game between the Bears and the Seahawks in Seattle. This is the second time D has taken me to see the Bears and I can't tell you how special this is to me. Even though we lost it was a terrific game. The Bears fought hard but couldn't pull it out in the end.
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